
Programmatic Buying

Programmatic Transparency: “Where There’s Mystery, There’s Margin.”

By Advertisers, Digital Media, Media Transparency, Programmatic Buying No Comments

transparencyGreat overview on the topic of transparency in the context of programmatic digital media emanating from The Drum’s “Programmatic Punch” conference in NYC. The fact that 80%+ of all U.S. digital display ads will be “bought, served and sold” using some form of automated technology in 2019 (source: eMarketer) is reason enough to have such informed exchanges among stakeholders from across the industry.

There is one area where I believe that the conference participants are underestimating both consumers and brands and that is with regard to the topic of brand safety. Participants from the supply-side seem to believe that advertisers are “over-sensitive to the issue of brand safety.” Experience suggests that advertisers should continue to be vigilant in this area as consumers are not quite as forgiving as some would like to believe. To wit, over fifty-percent of the senior marketers recently surveyed by the CMO Council cited “social media risks and reputation management” as major issues.

As it relates to the topic of transparency, this is a topic on which advertisers should hold steadfast, having paid an economic price for supplier transparency and accountability gaps in the past. Thus, the author’s reference to the adage; “Where there’s mystery, there’s margin” remains a truism that advertisers will continue to have to grapple with going forward Read More