
Digital Media

Has the ads.txt Program Been Corrupted by Bad Actors?

By AdTech, Advertisers, Digital Media, Digital Trading Desk, Media No Comments

fundingIs this a sad state of affairs or what? Ad tech firms, programmatic agencies, ad networks and resellers are actively trying to game the ads.txt system to further their own agendas. The sole reason that the industry got behind the implementation of ads.txt was to safeguard advertisers from domain spoofing and unauthorized inventory selling.

For these stakeholders to view this as an opportunity to manipulate the guidelines to drive their fees and or reseller revenue is inappropriate. Sadly, these actions shine a light on the number of “middlemen” firms operating between advertisers and publishers, and focused on their self interest are detrimental to reforming the digital media marketplace. Ad agencies, programmatic trading desks, DSPs, exchanges, ad networks, resellers, SSPs… what a mess. Can programmatic digital survive? Read More