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The Opacity of Programmatic Media Poses Risks to Advertisers

By Digital Media, Digital Trading Desk, Programmatic Buying, Working Media No Comments

RiskThe steady drum beat of warnings regarding the risks of programmatic media to advertisers has been omnipresent for the better part of the last decade.

Recent studies conducted by the ANA, ACA, WFA, ISBA and PwC have reinforced the cost being borne by marketers as it relates to the complex, multi-layered and often murky programmatic marketplace. Below is an excellent article by Keri Bruce of Reed Smith LLP on the opacity of programmatic media, the cost to advertisers and suggestions on how to remedy the issues that exist.

From an advertiser’s perspective, the time for action is now as programmatic continues to command an increasing percentage of media spend. As the studies have found and the author rightly points out “Billions of dollars are being wasted and brands are funding an opaque ecosystem and need to help fix it.” Read Article